On August 22, the "Kobe University Alumni Association in Thailand" was launched in Bangkok, Thailand, as the 6th overseas alumni association. Kobe University encouraged the union of the two existing alumni associations (one organized by Japanese graduates living in Thailand and the other by Thai graduates), which have both been in existence for many years.

The kick-off ceremony was attended by over 60 people including 50 Japanese and Thai alumni. Representatives from partner universities in Thailand, the Japanese Embassy in Thailand, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in Thailand, the Japan Foundation in Thailand and the Japan Student Services Organization in Thailand were also on hand. From Kobe University, Dr. NAKAMURA Chiharu, Vice President/Director in charge of International Exchange and Regional Partnership; Dr. TANAKA Yasuhide, Vice President/Director in charge of Education; Alumni Relations and Attached Schools, Dr. NAKANISHI Yasuhiro, Director of Kobe University International Student Center Office; members of the Office for the Promotion of International Exchange of Kobe University and the Kobe University International Student Center Office were in attendance.

Following the congratulatory speech by the guest of honor, Vice President NAKAMURA introduced an overview of the education and research, international exchanges, especially the academic research exchanges concluded with Thailand. This was then followed by an introduction of the "KU-Net" (Kobe University Network) system by Vice President TANAKA. This system is meant to strengthen ties between alumni domestically and internationally. He also stressed the point that the university will continue to actively support alumni associations.

Elections were then held for the formation of the steering committee for the association. Mr. WADA Eiichi (a graduate of Faculty of Engineering of Kobe University in 1978) and Mr. Somkiti Synsukpermpoon (a graduate of Graduate School of Science and Technology of Kobe University in 1991) were chosen to be Co-Chairman. The two Vice Presidents handed an official flag of the alumni association to the two Chairmen. All attending graduates joined in the reading of the declaration statement after which the "Kobe University Alumni Association in Thailand" was successfully launched.

Another delightful news to add to this event was the attendance of Mr. Praphan Hetrakul, a 78 years old alumni who was the first foreign student to enter Kobe University after World War II. He entered the School of Business Administration in 1953 during the postwar disorder and reconstruction of Japan. After five years of study, he returned to his home country and is still working as the Chairman of Yakult (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Everyone present were impressed by his dignified intelligence and eloquent Japanese as they listened to his story about the good old days.

Kobe University will continue to improve and expand its overseas alumni network by strengthening its ties with alumni associations all around the world.

海外同窓会としては6番目になる「タイ神戸大学同窓会」が8月22日、 タイのバンコクで誕生しました。タイ在住の日本人とタイ人卒業生が、 それぞれ長年にわたり組織していた同窓会を、大学側の働きかけもあり、 統合する形で新生発足したものです。  

発足総会には、本学のタイにおける学術交流協定校、在タイ日本大使館、 バンコクに事務所を置く「日本学術振興会」「国際交流基金」 「日本学生支援機構」からの代表をはじめ、神大卒の日本人とタイ人が50名も集まりました。 大学からは、国際交流等担当理事の中村千春副学長、同窓会等担当理事の田中康秀副学長、 中西泰洋留学生センター長をはじめ、国際交流推本部、留学生センター教職員の6人が参加し、 総勢60名を超える発足総会になりました。

来賓の祝辞の後、二つの講演がありました。中村副学長からは、 神戸大学の最先端の研究教育の現状と国際交流、特にタイとの学術研究交流についての説明があり、 続く田中副学長からは、国内・海外ネットワークと卒業生をつなぐ仕組みの「KU-Net」の紹介があり、 大学側が同窓会を積極的に支援していく方針も強調されました。

続いて、同窓会発足総会に移り、和田英一氏 (工学部78年卒) とSomkiti Synsukpermpoon氏 (自然科学研究科工学系91年卒) がそれぞれ会長に選ばれ、 他の役員も選出されました。その後、二人の副学長から二人の会長に学旗が贈呈され、 卒業生全員で発足の宣言文を唱和し、「タイ神戸大学同窓会」が盛会の内に発足しました。

この度の同窓会の発足については、もう一つ大きな喜びがありました。それは、 神戸大学で最初の留学生であったPraphan Hetrakul氏 (写真上) にもご参加いただいたことです。戦後復興途上の1953年に経営学部に入学、 卒業後は母国に戻り、78歳の現在もタイヤクルト株式会社の会長として現役でご活躍中です。 セピア色のアルバムを広げつつ、 美しい日本語で当時の思い出を語る大先輩の雄雄しい姿に参加者一同感激しました。




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