The Kick-off Ceremony of Kobe University Alumni Association in Laos
「ラオス神戸大学同窓会」が、本学の11番目の海外同窓会として2012年9月23日に首都ヴィエンチャンにおいて発足しました。神戸大学からは中村千春国際交流担当理事・副学長をはじめ、駿河輝和国際協力研究科長、三橋紫国際交流推進本部副本部長、留学生センター教員らが出席しました。今回の同窓会は、ラオス元日本留学生会 (JAOL) の傘下に日本の大学としてはじめて組織化されたものであり、在ラオス日本大使館をはじめ、日本ラオス友好協会、ラオス国立大学、現地の日本関係機関、卒業生が多数出席する中で活気に満ちた式典になり、Vientiane Times (PDF形式) でも大きく報道されました。
発足会では、ラオス元日本留学生会を代表し、Kongeo Phamavanh副会長の開会の辞に続き、在ラオス日本国大使館横田順子特命全権大使の祝辞を二元裕子書記官が代読されました。祝辞の中で、神戸で育まれた日本とラオスの人的ネットワークが、今回の同窓会の設立を通して、より一層日本とラオスの間での架け橋として貢献できることを大いに期待するとのメッセージが寄せられました。それを受けて日本ラオス友好協会のPonmek Dalaloy会長、本学と教育・研究交流の面において密接な関係をもつラオス国立大学のSomsy Gnophanxay副学長、JICAラオスオフィスの戸川正人所長からも、それぞれ今後の神戸大学同窓会の活動に期待を込めた祝辞が述べられました。
同窓会会長には、Phanhpakit Onphanhdala氏 (国際協力研究科2008年修了、ラオス国立大学講師) が選出されました。Onphanhdala会長は、所信表明の中で神戸大学同窓会がラオスで公認され、発足に至るまで協力してくださった多くの関係者並びに本学へ感謝の意を述べるとともに、同窓会が日本とラオスとの関係を有機的に繋ぐ役割を果たし、両国の発展と神戸大学の発展に貢献していきたいと力強く抱負を述べられました。
その後、中村千春国際交流担当理事・副学長の“Towards Global Excellence: Kobe University's Present Status and Future Prospects”と題する特別記念講演が行われ、本学とラオスとの人的交流の歴史に触れながら、ラオス教育省及び大学との協力関係についても言及しました。発足総会後の祝賀会は、ラオス出身の卒業生を多く輩出した国際協力研究科の駿河輝和研究科長による冒頭の挨拶で始まり、約40名の出席者と旧交を温めました。
(留学生センター教授 朴鍾祐)
Kobe University Alumni Association in the Lao PDR celebrates inauguration (September 23)
On Sept. 23, the Kobe University Alumni Association in the Lao PDR celebrated inauguration in Vientiane, the capital of the Lao PDR. Among the guests invited to the ceremony were representatives from the Embassy of Japan in the Lao PDR, the Laos-Japan Friendship Association, the National University of Laos (NUL), local Japanese communities and alumni of Kobe University. From Kobe University, Dr. NAKAMURA Chiharu, Executive Vice President in charge of International Exchange, Prof. SURUGA Terukazu, Dean of Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Prof. OGAWA Keiichi, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Prof. MITSUHASHI Yukari, Deputy Director for the Office for the Promotion of International Exchange, and faculty members from the International Student Center joined the ceremony. It became the first Japanese university alumni association officially organized under the Japan Alumni of Laos (JAOL) and the 11th overseas alumni association for Kobe University. The participants enjoyed the friendly and vibrant atmosphere throughout the ceremony. The inauguration also made the headline of the Vientiane Times (PDF), the local media in the Lao PDR.
At the ceremony, Mr. Kongeo Phamavanh, Vice President of JAOL, gave the opening speech. Then, a congratulatory message from Her Excellency Ms. YOKOTA Junko, Ambassador of Japan to the Lao PDR, was read by Ms. FUTAMOTO Yuko, Second Secretary for the Embassy of Japan in the Lao PDR. In the congratulatory message, Her Excellency Ms. Yokota expressed high hopes that the human network established and nurtured in Kobe will make a great contribution as a bridge between Japan and Laos after today's inauguration. It was followed by congratulatory messages from the guests of honor: Dr. Ponmek Dalaloy, President of the Laos-Japan Friendship Association; Dr. Somsy Gnophanxay, Vice President of NUL which has close and active relationship with Kobe University in educational and academic exchange; and Mr. TOGAWA Masato, Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Laos Office. They also expressed their warm congratulations with hopes and expectations for the future activities of the Kobe University Alumni Association in the Lao PDR.
Dr. Phanhpakit Onphanhdala, an alumnus who graduated from the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies at Kobe University in 2008 and Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at NUL, was elected President for the Kobe University Alumni Association in the Lao PDR. In his speech, Dr. Onphanhdala extended his sincere appreciation to all members who offered invaluable support in establishing this alumni association accredited by the government of the Lao PDR. He continued that the association would strive for bridging Japan and Laos, and contribute to further development of both countries and Kobe University.
Dr. Nakamura delivered the commemorative speech titled "Towards Global Excellence: Kobe University's Present Status and Future Prospects", in which he referred to the history of human exchange between Kobe University and the Laos PDR as well as collaborative works with the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Lao PDR. In the following reception, Prof. Suruga made an opening speech. The Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies has produced many Laotian graduates, and Prof. Suruga enjoyed renewing old friendships with approximately 40 participants.
On Sept. 24, Dr. Nakamura, Prof. Mitsuhashi and Prof. Ogawa paid a courtesy call on Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phetsamone Khounsavath, Vice President for Academic Affairs at NUL. The delegates from Kobe University also visited the Ministry of Education and Sports in the Lao PDR, and have concluded the Memorandum for Matching Scholarship of the Strengthening Higher Education Project (SHEP). The signing of the MOU along with the inauguration of the Kobe University Alumni Association in the Lao PDR, as part of Kobe University's international strategies, will further accelerate the formation of global human network and contribute to expansion of academic and research exchange leading to the fostering of global talents.
(Prof. PARK Jong Woo, International Student Center)
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