The Kick-off Ceremony of Kobe University Alumni Association in Cambodia
「カンボジア神戸大学同窓会」が、2016年9月17日カンボジアの首都プノンペンにおいて発足しました。カンボジア同窓会は14番目の同窓会組織として発足し、これにより本学は急成長するASEAN地域をほぼ網羅する海外ネットワークを構築することになりました。この同窓会の発足会は、国際協力研究科の協力のもと、長年取り組んできた教育プログラムであるJDS(The Project for Human ResourceDevelopment Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid) program follow-up seminar と並行して開催されました。
今回のセミナーとキックオフセレモニーには、在カンボジア日本国大使館の二等書記官の湊洋平氏、カンボジア教育省のH.E. Yuok Ngoy氏 (Secretary of State,Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports)、「名古屋大学カンボジア同窓会」会長NgovPenghuy氏、神戸大学から井上典之国際担当理事・副学長をはじめ、四本健二国際協力研究科長、同研究科川畑康治准教授、国際連携推進機構国際教育総合センター長河合成雄教授、同センター朴鍾祐教授らが出席しました。
まず、第一部のJDS follow-up Seminar は、河合成雄教授による進行で、Sin Sangha氏 (Royal Academy ofJudicial Professions、国際協力研究科2011年修了)、Cheu Ponleu氏 (Cambodia Agriculture Value Chain Program、国際協力研究科2010年修了)、Som Savuth氏 (Senate of Cambodia、国際協力研究科2004年修了) 3氏による発表が行われ、それぞれがJDS programで学んだことや現在の仕事、将来の展望を交え、そのプログラムの意義について述べられました。その後、四本健二教授、川畑康治准教授を中心にラウンドテーブルが行われセミナーを総括しました。
第二部の「カンボジア神戸大学同窓会」発足式は、井上典之国際担当理事の式辞から始まり、日本国大使館を代表し湊洋平二等書記官の祝辞に続き、カンボジア教育省を代表しH.E. Yuok Ngoy氏による祝辞が述べられました。その後は同窓会の設立役員が紹介され、設立会長にはMEY Kalyan氏 (Senior Adviser atSupreme National Economic Council, Royal Government of Cambodia、経済学研究科1984年修了)が就任しました。同窓会発足の理念となる設立宣言文を卒業生全員が唱和し、両国と神戸大学の発展に貢献するという決意が表明されました。続いて、井上典之国際担当理事よりカンボジア神戸大学同窓会旗がMEY Kalyan会長に贈呈され、大学と同窓会の新たな関係を象徴する場面となりました。
(国際教育総合センター 留学生教育部門)
The Kobe University Alumni Association in Cambodia was officially launched in Phnom Penh on September 17, 2016. The Alumni Association in Cambodia is Kobe University’s 14th overseas alumni organization, and the University’s international network now encompasses most of the rapidly advancing ASEAN region. The kick-off event for this Alumni Association was organized by the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, and held in conjunction with the program follow-up seminar for long-term education program JDS (The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid).
The seminar and inaugural ceremony were attended by Mr. MINATO Yohei (Second Secretary at the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia), H.E. Yuok Ngoy (Secretary of State, Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports), Mr. Ngov Penghuy (President of the Nagoya University Cambodia Alumni Association), and from Kobe University Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange), Professor YOTSUMOTO Kenji (Dean of the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies – GSICS), Associate Professor KAWABATA Koji (also GSICS), Professor KAWAI Naruo (Director of the Center for International Education) and Professor PARK Jong Woo (Center for International Education).
First, at the JDS follow-up seminar moderated by Professor KAWAI Naruo, Sin Sangha (Royal Academy of Judicial Professions, GSICS 2011 graduate), Cheu Ponleu (Cambodia Agriculture Value Chain Program, GSICS 2010 graduate), and Som Savuth (Senate of Cambodia, GSICS 2004 graduate) each gave presentations covering what they had learned on the JDS program, their current employment and future plans, and the program’s significance. Afterwards, a roundtable discussion led by Professor YOTSUMOTO and Associate Professor KAWABATA provided an overall review of the seminar.
This was followed by the inaugural ceremony for the Kobe University Alumni Association in Cambodia. The event started with an address from Professor INOUE, followed by congratulatory speeches from Mr MINATO representing the Japanese embassy and H.E. Yuok Ngoy representing the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports. The founding members of the Alumni Association were introduced, and Mr. MEY Kalyan (Senior Adviser at Supreme National Economic Council, Royal Government of Cambodia, Graduate School of Economics 1984 graduate) was inaugurated as the founding president. The alumni all recited the founding declaration expressing the philosophy behind the launch of this alumni association, and stated their intentions that this organization would contribute to the development of both countries and Kobe University. Following this, the official flag of the new Alumni Association was presented to Association President MEY Kalyan by Professor INOUE, signifying the new relationship between our University and the Association.
The reception was attended by alumni and others connected to Kobe University. It provided an opportunity to renew old friendships, create new partnerships, and engage in fruitful discussions. At the end of the reception Professor YOTSUMOTO commented, “This alumni association kick-off event is a promising start, and I have high expectations for the future activities of this association”.
On September 19, Professor INOUE and Professor YOTSUMOTO visited the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and participated in the signing ceremony for an Academic Exchange Agreement between the two universities, also attended by staff and students of RUPP. Following this, on September 20, as part of an initiative to strengthen our University’s support for RUPP, Mr. SAKAMOTO Yasuhiro (Kobe University Co-operative Executive Director) gave a lecture on the significance and role of the Co-operative. This event aimed to provide information for enhancing welfare programs at RUPP, and it was attended by 250 RUPP staff members and students.
On September 19, Professor INOUE and Professor YOTSUMOTO visited the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and participated in the signing ceremony for an Academic Exchange Agreement between the two universities, also attended by staff and students of RUPP. Following this, on September 20, as part of an initiative to strengthen our University’s support for RUPP, Mr. SAKAMOTO Yasuhiro (Kobe University Co-operative Executive Director) gave a lecture on the significance and role of the Co-operative. This event aimed to provide information for enhancing welfare programs at RUPP, and it was attended by 250 RUPP staff members and students.
The kick-off event provided a valuable opportunity to further promote academic exchange with the aims of educating global human resources, expanding our overseas network, and encouraging increased exchange between Cambodia and Kobe University as part of our international strategy.
(Center for International Education, International Student Section)
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