(1) Japan-Korea Joint Scholarship Program for Science and Engineering Students

한일공동이공계학부 유학생 프로그램은 1998년10월에 개최된 한일 정상회담을 통해 발표된 한일 공동선언「21세기를 향한 새로운 한일 파트터십」의 구체적인 행동 계획으로서 한일 청소년 교류를 통한 상호 이해의 증진을 도모하는 목적으로 시작된 프로그램입니다.
2000년도에 제도가 처음으로 시행되어 한국의 고등학교 졸업자 중에 100명을 선발하여 일본의 국립 대학의 이공계 학부에 파견 유학하는 사업으로, 입학전의 1년동안 예비 교육 과정을 실시하며, 전반부 시기(3월--8월)는 한국 측에서 담당. 나머지 후반부 시기(10월 ---3월)를 일본 해당 대학에서 실시하여 다음해 4월에 학부 정규 과정에 입학하게 됩니다.

Japan-Korea Joint Scholarship Program

(2) JLJCSP Japanese Language and Japanese Culture Studies Course

1 year Japanese Studies Program for 10 international students planning to carry out undergraduate level research at Kobe University.

Japanese Studies Program

(3) SPJLC Summer Program of Japanese Language and Culture

We will implement the 'Summer Program in Japanese Language and Culture' that will be 2 weeks in duration, aimed at students who are studying Japanese at overseas universities with which we have academic agreements. We plan to have a home stay program during the course to facilitate students in experiencing Jpanese life first hand.

Summer Program

(4)Japanese Cultural Education Seminar · International Cultural Studies Seminar

In the first half you will study basic methods for teaching Japanese language and cultural education, Japanese studies and Intercultural exchange in IT literacy-based lectures. In the second half you are required to attend the "Kobe University Summer Japanese Language and Culture Training Program" which will be held over 3 weeks beginning at the end of July.
This class gives you the opportunity to understand Japanese language education through collaborative work with other international students, and develop the ability to objectify Japanese language and culture from a non-native perspective with other native and international students (You can get credits for this class).

(5)Kobe Oxford Japanese Studies Programme (KOJSP)

This program is a unit acceptance programme in which all the second year students of Oxford University, Faculty of Oriental Studies Japanese Language Course study at Kobe University, Faculty of Letters for one year.
In October 2012, we accepted 12 students, and since then there has been a close and collaborative relationship between Kobe University's Faculty of Letters and Humanities and Oxford University's Faculty of Oriental Studies
In this program, Oxford University students attend Japanese classes in the morning and participate in faculty classes with other students in the afternoon. In the mandatory class for Oxford students, "KOJSP Seminar," students have the opportunity to explore a Japan-related research topic of their own choice, along with their supervising teacher and student tutor. After finishing this course, students return to the UK and proceed to the 3rd and 4th year at Oxford University to continue their research and work on their graduation thesis.