The Kobe University International Student Assistance Fund supports International Students of Kobe University. Services are below.

Please contact

Tel: 078-803-5264
E-mail: stdnt-ryulife[at] (※ Please change from [at] to "@".)

Loan Applications

The international student assistance fund is managed by the International Student Support Association.

Application Flow

Application Flow

Loan Type

1) General loan
  Loan amount limit: up to 50,000 yen
  Repayment deadline: within 3 months

2) Special loan
  Loan amount limit: (over 50,000 yen) up to 100,000 yen
  Repayment deadline: within 6 months

Application documents:

Application form・Signature of the supervisor, Details of one month's income and expenditure

Delivery address: International Exchange Division

*Please send an inquiry to the address below if you wish to apply for a loan: .
  Kobe University International Exchange Division
     TEL: 078-803-5264 FAX: 078-803-5289
     E-mail: stdnt-ryulife [at]
     (※ Please change from [at] to "@".)